Saturday, February 27, 2016
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Прочетете за сребърния медал на Ивайло Иванов-Париж 2016
Поредния голям успех записа Ивайло Иванов, който в категория до 81 кг спечели сребърния медал на Гранд шлем по джудо в Париж, Франция. На турнира, който е олимпийска квалификация, участваха над 500 състезатели от цял свят, а в категорията на Ивайло рекордните 56 джудисти. Иванов, който вече е с квота за Игрите, стигна безапелационно до битката за златото срещу водача в ранглистата и световен шампион Автандили Ширакашвили (Грузия). По
пътя към финала българинът се справи с петима съперника, а на полуфинал елиминира и корейското "чудо" Ким Чунг Янг. В много оспорван финал грузинецът поведе с вадзари, Ивайло записа юко и атакуваше до последно. От щаба на Ширакашвили взеха решение да бавят темпото и логично Автандили беше наказан с две предупреждения. В последните секунди Ивайло имаше възможност за вадзари, но противникът му се изплъзна. Според специалистите наблюдавали срещата сънародникът ни е бил по-добър и решителен от съперника.
"Чудесно представяне на Ивайло Иванов. Сребърният медал е доказателство за формата, в която се намира. Ако срещата беше продължила с половин минута, със сигурност грузинецът щеше да получи ново продупреждение за пасивност и златният медал щеше да бъде на гърдите на нашето момче. Така е в нашия спорт, понякога всичко опира до секунди. На турнира в Париж беше елитът на джудото. Много силен шампионат. Иванов е осми към момента в ранглистата за Олимпиадата, като целта е да се задържи там, за да може да попадне в по-лек жребии в Рио. Няма шанс да бъде изместен от 32-ата, които се класират. Той вече е с квота, но трябва да остане в осмицата на ранглистата", сподели генeралният секретар на БФДжудо Асен Коруджиев.
На турнира в Париж участва и Янислав Герчев (60 кг), който записа една победа в квалификацията и прибави нови точки към актива си за класиране на Олимпийските игри. За съжаление другият ни представител, заявил участие и с голям шанс за квота, Ивелина Илиева не участва заради травмата получена на турнира в София преди седмица. Илиева ще претърпи нова операция на скъсаното сухожилие в Швейцария и до месец ще поднови тренировъчни занимания.
Следващият шампионат по джудо, който носи точки за Игрите, ще бъде в края на февруари - Гран При Дюселдорф. В него ще участват Иванов и Герчев.
пътя към финала българинът се справи с петима съперника, а на полуфинал елиминира и корейското "чудо" Ким Чунг Янг. В много оспорван финал грузинецът поведе с вадзари, Ивайло записа юко и атакуваше до последно. От щаба на Ширакашвили взеха решение да бавят темпото и логично Автандили беше наказан с две предупреждения. В последните секунди Ивайло имаше възможност за вадзари, но противникът му се изплъзна. Според специалистите наблюдавали срещата сънародникът ни е бил по-добър и решителен от съперника.
"Чудесно представяне на Ивайло Иванов. Сребърният медал е доказателство за формата, в която се намира. Ако срещата беше продължила с половин минута, със сигурност грузинецът щеше да получи ново продупреждение за пасивност и златният медал щеше да бъде на гърдите на нашето момче. Така е в нашия спорт, понякога всичко опира до секунди. На турнира в Париж беше елитът на джудото. Много силен шампионат. Иванов е осми към момента в ранглистата за Олимпиадата, като целта е да се задържи там, за да може да попадне в по-лек жребии в Рио. Няма шанс да бъде изместен от 32-ата, които се класират. Той вече е с квота, но трябва да остане в осмицата на ранглистата", сподели генeралният секретар на БФДжудо Асен Коруджиев.
На турнира в Париж участва и Янислав Герчев (60 кг), който записа една победа в квалификацията и прибави нови точки към актива си за класиране на Олимпийските игри. За съжаление другият ни представител, заявил участие и с голям шанс за квота, Ивелина Илиева не участва заради травмата получена на турнира в София преди седмица. Илиева ще претърпи нова операция на скъсаното сухожилие в Швейцария и до месец ще поднови тренировъчни занимания.
Следващият шампионат по джудо, който носи точки за Игрите, ще бъде в края на февруари - Гран При Дюселдорф. В него ще участват Иванов и Герчев.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Ranking Paris Grand Slam 2016
Despite the absence of French superstar Teddy Riner there was still enough for the Bercy crowd to celebrate on the second and final day of competition at the Paris Grand Slam. Following Clarise Agbenenou’s gold medal win in the -63kg category yesterday, Cyrille Maret took his turn atop the podium by winning the -100kg for the third year running. Maret had wins against Javad MAHJOUB (IRI), Artem BLOSHENKO (UKR), Jorge FONSECA (POR), Elmar GASIMOV (AZE) and, in the final, Kyle REYES (CAN).
Asked to explain what was special about competing at Bercy Maret answered, "I have to be honest and say that when it comes to competitions there is nowhere like Bercy. I have had many good times here, especially as my family are able to be here and it feels like home.” The French can be reasonably happy with their results. Two gold, a silver and six bronze medals (as well as some useful performances by other team members) made for a good weekend. "Of course there were lots of people in the crowd who would have liked to have seen Teddy (Riner) compete. But with him being injured I felt a little as though it was down to me to give the crowd something to cheer for and make sure that the anthem was played," said Maret.
Being the focus of attention was a new experience for Maret. "Some people talk about me as one of the favourites but I don’t feel that way. I’ve never won a world championship medal and I don’t think that I can be classed as a favourite until I have done that,” said Maret.
Winning in Paris obviously agrees with Maret as he was in a particularly good mood. "I had a little fun with some of the crowd some, of whom are from the south west, and I had a special celebration for them. There are of course some areas of my performance that I want to improve upon, in particular after my disappointment in Astana, and i am working with my coaches on a number of things. But it is really in my hands to improve and my plan is to have everything in place for Rio."
-81 kg1. TCHRIKISHVILI, Avtandili (GEO) 2. IVANOV, Ivaylo (BUL) 3. PENALBER, Victor (BRA) 3. WANG, Ki-Chun (KOR) | -70 kg1. KIM, Seongyeon (KOR) 2. TACHIMOTO, Haruka (JPN) 3. CONWAY, Sally (GBR) 3. EMANE, Gevrise (FRA) |
-90 kg1. NISHIYAMA, Daiki (JPN) 2. IDDIR, Alexandre (FRA) 3. GWAK, Dong Han (KOR) 3. LIPARTELIANI, Varlam (GEO) | -78 kg1. AGUIAR, Mayra (BRA) 2. HARRISON, Kayla (USA) 3. MALZAHN, Luise (GER) 3. POWELL, Natalie (GBR) |
-100 kg1. MARET, Cyrille (FRA) 2. REYES, Kyle (CAN) 3. FREY, Karl-Richard (GER) 3. WOLF, Aaron (JPN) | -78 kg1. AGUIAR, Mayra (BRA) 2. HARRISON, Kayla (USA) 3. MALZAHN, Luise (GER) 3. POWELL, Natalie (GBR) |
+100 kg1. HARASAWA, Hisayoshi (JPN) 2. SASSON, Or (ISR) 3. MEYER, Roy (NED) 3. MOURA, David (BRA) |
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
See Grand Slam Paris 2016
French star Clarise Agbegnenou gave the home crowd exactly what they asked for when she won gold in the -63kg category on the opening day of the Paris Grand Slam. Spurred on by the cheering Bercy faithful, Agbegbebou made short work of Japan’s Tashiro Miku in the final, scoring yuko with left o uchi gari then following up with kesa gatame for ippon. ln putting away Tashiro, the 21 year old Japanese number one, Agbegnenou put a shine on what up to that point had been a less than stellar day for the home fans. When asked about the importance of her win Agbegnenou answered, "It was the best thing that the day ended with the French national anthem. It makes all the difference to the team to have a gold medal and I am pleased to have been able to win for France and my team and end on a high note.” From a personal point of view it will also be pleasing for Agbegnenou to have won in Paris. "There really is nowhere like Bercy for atmosphere. My family and so many of my friends are here and that helps to motivate me,” said Agbegnenou.
In a field that contained 8 of the world’s top ten fighters, Agbenenou came away looking at her devastating best. "For me it’s particularly important because it’s a new year and one always wants to start the new year with a win and a good feeling. said Agbegnenou. With regard to her win over Tashiro, Agbegnenou said, "I was really pleased to defeat Tashiro in newaza. It is very difficult to defeat Japanese women in newaza."
It is no secret that Agbegnenou has her sights firmly set on this summer’s Olympic Games. "The focus is all on Rio now and I am working on ways to stay calm in the lead up to the Games, said Agbegnenou. When asked about what is next on her agenda Agbegnenou answered, "I am taking things step by step and I think that the European championships will be my next competition."
-60 kg1. SHISHIME, Toru (JPN) 2. MUSHKIYEV, Ilgar (AZE) 3. KHYAR, Walide (FRA) 3. KIM, Won Jin (KOR) | -48 kg1. GALBADRAKH, Otgontsetseg (KAZ) 2. MUNKHBAT, Urantsetseg (MGL) 3. CSERNOVICZKI, Eva (HUN) 3. MENEZES, Sarah (BRA) |
-66 kg1. EBINUMA, Masashi (JPN) 2. DAVAADORJ, Tumurkhuleg (MGL) 3. AN, Baul (KOR) 3. LE BLOUCH, Kilian (FRA) | -52 kg1. KELMENDI, Majlinda (KOS) 2. CHITU, Andreea (ROU) 3. EURANIE, Annabelle (FRA) 3. GNETO, Priscilla (FRA) |
-73 kg1. AN, Changrim (KOR) 2. IARTCEV, Denis (RUS) 3. AKIMOTO, Hiroyuki (JPN) 3. MUKI, Sagi (ISR) | -57 kg1. KIM, Jan-Di (KOR) 2. DORJSUREN, Sumiya (MGL) 3. MALLOY, Marti (USA) 3. SILVA, Rafaela (BRA) |
Rating European Open Sofia 2016
n incredibly competitive weekend has come to an end in Sofia (Bulgaria) during the first European Open of the year. By the end of day two the total number of 14 gold medals been spread amongst 11 countries. There are only two nations which were able to double it up for the weekend, namely Russia and Slovenia, which of the last happened to take all the golden moments throughout today.
Young, yet very talented Slovenian judoka, Klara APOTEKAR shined throughout the day as she won all five of her contest, three of which with her already tactically outstanding judo skills. The first contest seen Larissa GROENWOLD of the Netherlands taking on all the challenges of Apotekar who scored a waza-ari to take a lead to round two of the -78kg category. The second contest seen 2016 Cuba Grand Prix bronze medallist Assunta GALEONE (ITA) being challenged by the 18 years old judoka. This was the time where Apotekar’s tactical skills shined as she defeated her opponent on penalties.
There was no different against Barbara BANDEL (GER) in the quarter-final who was overpowered by a single penalty. In the semi-finals, Apotekar pulled out her ne-waza skills to implement an armlock on Ivana MARANIC (CRO). Portugal’s 2016 Rio Olympic hopeful, Yahima RAMIREZ was in opposition to take the gold away from 2015 U23 European Champion, Apotekar. For the golden stake, the Slovenian judoka brought back some of her previously used tactical skills and crushed Ramirez on penalties.
“I am very happy. I didn’t expect to win a medal here. I only came here for experience. I only have one medal from senior tournaments and it is this gold medal I won today. The hardest fight was definitely my second contest because I was facing the number one seeded. I lost against her twice already and I know her very well and so I knew what she will do. At the end, I felt she was tired and the next thing I knew I won the contest”, Apotekar explained.
“My next aim will be to win a medal at a Grand Prix or Grand Slam tournament. Velensek is actually my half sister. We train together and her results pushes me to work even harder because I want to be succesful like her”, she added.
The next European Open will take place in two weeks’ time when all female athletes will head out to Rome (Italy) to challenge each other, whilst the male competitors will battle out the weekend in Oberwart (Austria).
Sunday, February 7, 2016
See and learn for European Open in Sofia
The first day of the European Open in Sofia brought a set of mix goals with mix achievements across the seven weight categories. The mix line up involved having Cadet European and World champions facing World Masters, Grand Prix or Grand Slam winners. The possibility to have seven different national anthem on display today was disturb by Russia who by the end of the day claimed two of the golden moments.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Hungarian Joo Abigel claimed her third IJF grand prix title when she won gold in the -78kg category on the third and final day of competition at the Havana Grand Prix.
Widely regarded as one of the most difficult opponents in the category, Joo lived up to her reputation, particularly in the semi final, where she narrowly defeated the reigning Olympic champion and number one seed Kayla Harrison (USA by a single shido. When asked in our post-match interview about her match-up with Harrison, the happy and glowing Joo answered, "Of course one is always eager to compete against the best fighters and Harrison was the favourite here. So I was pleased not only to defeat her but also that my plan to close down her attacking options worked.” Joo had lost to Harrison at the London Olympics in 2012 and was asked whether that loss remained an issue for her to which she responded, "I was not thinking about the Olympic Games and I’ve left that disappointment behind me long ago.” In addition to defeating number one seed Harrison, Joo also managed to defeat number two seed Luise Malzahn (GER) whom she threw for ippon in the final. This capped a fine day that saw Joo defeat three of her four opponents by ippon. Joo looked far more relaxed than usual and she later described the reasons why, "In the past I set my mind on winning medals. But now I focus more on performing to the best of my ability. There is less pressure this way and I find that the results come with less stress.” Joo was asked whether there were other factors that had contributed to this seemingly more relaxed approach, for example her reported love of painting, "The painting is just a hobby and a past time. I am studying to be a civil engineer and, perhaps, this kind of regime is helping to bring focus and order to my life." With regard to what is next on her busy competition schedule Joo said, "I will compete next in Paris and Dusseldorf. But today’s result makes things a little easier as far as my options are concerned and the points will help to make my position on the world ranking list more solid."
-90 kg
1. GONZALEZ, Asley (CUB) 2. TOTH, Krisztian (HUN) 3. GROSSKLAUS, Ciril (SUI) 3. KUKOLJ, Aleksandar (SRB)
-100 kg
1. BLOSHENKO, Artem (UKR) 2. FREY, Karl-Richard (GER) 3. CIRJENICS, Miklos (HUN) 3. MAMMADOV, Elkhan (AZE)
+100 kg
1. SAIDOV, Renat (RUS) 2. BOR, Barna (HUN) 3. BREITBARTH, Andre (GER) 3. GARCIA MENDOZA, Alex (CUB)
-78 kg
1. JOO, Abigel (HUN) 2. MALZAHN, Luise (GER) 3. GALEONE, Assunta (ITA) 3. HARRISON, Kayla (USA)
+78 kg
1. ORTIZ, Idalys (CUB) 2. LOUETTE KANNING, Lucie (FRA) 3. IAROMKA, Svitlana (UKR) 3. ZAMBOTTI, Vanessa (MEX)
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Learn for European open Sofia 2016
The first European Open of the Olympic year will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria during the upcoming weekend. The Hall Festivalna will welcome almost 500 competitors from 58 countries. As we are approaching the last few months of the Olympic qualification everyone will be up for a grab to secure a better ranking position.
During the first day of the tournament Yanislav GERCHEV (BUL) will be on stage in the -60kg category to entertain the home supporters. The Bulgarian judoka has been putting in a medal winning performance each year in Sofia and no doubt he will be aiming to stand up to his reputation. As per the female categories, Monica UNGUREANU (ROU) is number one seeded of the -48kg category with high opportunities of being able to keep a top position throughout the day. Her team mate, Loredana OHAI will be competing in the -57kg category as number two seeded. On top position of the same weight class, Jan-di KIM (KOR) could be a possible challenge for the Romanian fighter.
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